Baggy fit jeans in natural Stylish Cargo Style Jeans

Thread color Gold Black White Navy
Waist rise Low High Mid
Hem length Cropped Regular Long

Loose fitting all around, for laid-back looks

Loose fit, Baggy leg, Non-stretch

Fit: The model wears a low waist with a stacked hem & white thread

Materials: 100% Organic Cotton 

Custom Fit:
Unspun custom jeans are made to order. You choose your fit and customize the details. Then you take a 3D body scan on the unspun app. We design your jeans on your digital model

To create your digital avatar, you do a quick spin in front of the camera. Your iPhone projects over 30,000 dots of infrared light onto your body

The FaceID sensor stitches all these depth maps together to create a hyper-accurate 3D body model— completely unique to you

The result? No sizes, no fuss- just perfect-fit jeans